Anime/Manga: Kuroko no Basuke
Title 1: My Kurokocchi 1
Price: 800yen
Title 2: My Kurokocchi 2
Price: 800yen
Title 3: My Kurokocchi 3
(Continuation of My Kurokocchi 1 & 2)
Note: R15 with mild foreplay but no intercourse.
Price: 300yen
Summary: Kuroko lives with Puppy!Kise,
who gradually becomes so possessive of Kurokocchi.
Title 4: Chimikuro (SALE!)
Price: 500yen
Summary: Kurokocchi turns chibi it makes Kise nosebleeds.
Pairing: Kise Ryota x Kuroko Tetsuya
Date of Issue: Summer Comiket 2012/2013 & Winter Comiket 2012 Release.
Rate: All Ages